Learn about the Power of Gathered Identities. The Future of the Identity Graph Starts Here >>

Compare approved access roles vs actual account access

In the realm of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), determining “who should have access to what” based on job titles can often resemble untangling a complex web. Whether you are embarking on your GRC journey or delving deep into the complexities of Identity and Access Management, it’s evident that effectively managing this aspect is no simple task. GRC processes and policies serve as the unheralded champions that ensure our organizations operate seamlessly.

GRC‘s main objective is to ensure that individuals starting a new role or transitioning within the organization are equipped with the appropriate level of access needed to perform their duties efficiently. Equally significant is the offboarding process for departing employees, which ensures that they no longer retain access to sensitive systems and data.

The Complex Landscape of User Access Management

In today’s dynamic business environment, changes occur frequently. HR and procurement departments often introduce new position titles, while the Information Technology (IT) team continuously manages an expanding array of systems across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Moreover, the requirements for access and assets essential for daily operations can change rapidly. As a result, the role mappings that are diligently established may become obsolete almost immediately after completion – and long before automation can be implemented.

Identify & Review Unauthorized Access

The Gathid platform applies a unique approach due to its patented directed graph technology, reading and modeling your identity data daily while ensuring it aligns with established policies and processes. Right from the beginning, organizations can easily utilize Gathid without needing to build a host of complex integrations; getting started is as easy as uploading your system, service, or application identity data via API, CSV or SFTP in order to determine the correlation between position titles and access rights of individuals.

With Gathid, those responsible for identity and access governance can proactively fine-tune their organization’s GRC controls and processes with pinpoint accuracy, thanks to the source-of-truth context it provides daily.

Gathid doesn’t just model your data on a daily basis – it automatically identifies any inconsistencies and brings them to your attention. It allows you to systematically create a daily report that acts as a system of record that highlights the roles or accounts that deviate from your master records. It’s akin to having a reliable compass guiding you through the complicated maze of user identity. Consider a large financial institution with multiple branches, each with staff with differing levels of access – potentially across multiple branches. This model becomes incredibly complex in short order, moving an accurate access model requirement from a “nice to have” to a “must have” for reducing associated risks.

For many organizations, Gathid is a “secret weapon” for regaining control and visibility over the complexity of access management and governance. It enables you to compare officially approved roles with actual access, and it does so each day. It allows organizations to streamline, secure, and simplify their governance, risk, and compliance activities in relation to identity and access – saving you time, money, and effort.

The Power of
Gathered Identities

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