Learn about the Power of Gathered Identities. The Future of the Identity Graph Starts Here >>

Role Mining Magic: Transform User Access Rights Into A Strategic Asset

Streamline the complexity of role mining to ensure every user has precisely the access they need, when they need it—transforming identity management into a seamless, user-centric experience. The Gathid Identity Graph ensures a baseline of reality through its daily modeling, which puts the human back into the process of determining what’s right every day.

integrity in access privileges

Secure Your Tech Estate With Ease

Gathid is designed to effortlessly adapt to your distinctive role-based access requirements, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming manual role definition and mining. With Gathid, you can automate role mining, eliminate manual errors, and maintain assured integrity in access privileges—whether onboarding, transitioning roles, or offboarding. Secure your tech estate, end-to-end, with visibility into user accounts that enables creation of logical roles with the right permissions.

Revolutionize Your Access Strategy

Easily reconstruct the identity-access landscape to match real-world business needs. Pinpoint and tailor roles with precision, foster collaboration among business teams for top-tier role creation, and streamline rights to keep them lean and impactful. By leveraging advanced modeling algorithms and machine learning techniques, Gathid identifies access rights patterns, enabling organizations to create well-defined and structured roles that align with business functions and responsibilities.

Why Automate User Access Reviews

Step 1

Automated Role Discovery

With Gathid, organizations can establish precise access controls by assigning roles that accurately reflect user responsibilities and job functions, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

Step 2

Granular Access Control

Easily create and customize segregation of duties policies tailored to your organization’s unique requirements. Gathid provides flexible policy management tools, allowing you to enforce separation of duties based on your specific business needs.

Step 3

Enhance Compliance and Reduce Risk

Gathid ensures seamless compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards by aligning user roles with data protection laws and audit mandates, providing organizations with a secure and compliant environment.


The Power of
Gathered Identities

Inspired by the power of gathered identities, Gathid pinpoints identity and access anomalies, symbolized by our iconic blue dot. This isn’t just pattern recognition; it’s 20 years of expertise in distinguishing critical insights from the noise to ensure the integrity and security of your identity information across your systems.

Expertise & Experience

Gathid stands out with over two decades of industry leadership, offering unrivaled insights and proven solutions across complex identity landscapes.

Proactive Approach

Gathid helps anticipate and mitigate identity threats before they arise, ensuring your digital ecosystem remains resilient against emerging challenges.

Scalable Solution

Our scalable solution adapts to your growing needs, ensuring seamless integration and performance regardless of your organization’s size.

End-to-End Support

From initial consultation to ongoing utilization, Gathid provides comprehensive support, ensuring your identity governance framework thrives.

We partner with forward-thinking companies in sectors like mining, manufacturing and banking—spanning 1,000 to 100,000 employees —who put a premium on cutting-edge technology and ironclad security.

Contact Us

We’re Here to Help

Struggling to manage a tangled web of user access? Facing security vulnerabilities and inefficiencies due to your accumulated identity debt? 

General questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Gathid streamlines the decision-making process surrounding identities and their access in your business, providing a solution that helps our clients to verify that only the right people have access. 

We redefine identity security and governance with a unique approach. Our patented graph technology seamlessly connects identity and access system data from all corners of your enterprise – HR, IT, Security, Finance, Business, you name it.

No matter where you are in your identity and access journey, Gathid is here as a game-changing digital identity and access modeling software solution.

Companies typically have more than one ‘source of truth’ when it comes to knowing who is in their workforce. Employees, contractors and students are managed in one or many HR, IT and Accounts Payable systems and across multiple and separate corporate business units.

Gathid collects access data from groups, applications, legacy systems or files shares. Even your physical and operational technology access data can be monitored.

» Active accounts for terminated staff
» Accounts that have non-expiring passwords
» Account ownership
» Access to file shares
» Role change monitoring

Identity and Access Management (IAM) deployments are often delayed and miss initial expectations, due to the complexity in required systems integrations and the rigid requirements of RBAC role definitions.

Gathid offers unique value in the ability to leverage existing files and API connectors to receive read-only identity (HR/IT/Role) and access (Accounts and privileges) data. It rebuilds an identity model every day, allowing you to visualize and track changes automatically. 

Gathid is here to simplify and complement the most complex portions of any IAM implementation.

User access reviews play a pivotal role in maintaining data security and ensuring compliance. They act as a protective shield, permitting only authorized individuals to access critical data and systems while reducing the risk of data breaches.

With Gathid, our innovative platform automates user access reviews, making the process efficient and accurate. Our system automates your user access reviews and provides precise user access data that you can trust, all from a single source.

The Power of
Gathered Identities

Book your free 30 minute demo now.